Fabulous Morning of Chess. Although these pictures are from what I was doing last week. I went with the West High School Marching Band to Disneyworld. I can say it was hot. I got to Pack and Unpack instruments and Band Uniforms and perform bed checks and wake teenagers up in the morning. I have a feeling I will be doing this for the next ten years. My goal in 4 years is to have a West High Band Chess Tournament at Disneyworld. Lightning would approve. See you all May 13th, with our last club meeting to be the 20th. I may have an awards day the 27th since the book fair is pushing us back one week. And thank you Ritesh without your help this end of year tournament would not have happened.
2015 Borlaug End of year Borlaug - Round 4 Pairing Sheet, Page 1
Board White Black
1. ___ Pieper, Eric (3.0,67) ___ Vigil, Barry (3.0,65)
2. ___ Olson, Brady (3.0,19) ___ Luo, Andy (3.0,66)
3. ___ Wei, Nathan (2.0,69) ___ Zhang, Benjamin (2.0,61)
4. ___ Pieper, Justin (2.0,68) ___ Pierce, Thomas (2.0,60)
5. ___ Bharanidhar, Akhil (2.0,59) ___ Malgaonkar, Aditya (2.0,64)
6. ___ Vigil, Joey (2.0,63) ___ Curtu, Alexandra (2.0,58)
7. ___ Vigil, Jacob (2.0,nnnn) ___ Xu, Eddy (2.0,62)
8. ___ Brown, JJ (2.0,54) ___ Lu, Aiden (1.5,21)
9. ___ Schwartz, Josie (1.0,37) ___ Bharanidhar, Ajay (1.0,55)
10. ___ Sami, Shanza (1.0,36) ___ Olson, Bennett (1.0,52)
11. ___ Ciliberto, Ben (1.0,51) ___ Sunkara, Mohana (1.0,38)
12. ___ Ren, Hutchinson (1.0,34) ___ Jung, Jimin (1.0,50)
13. ___ Feng, Miranda (1.0,45) ___ Aly, Mahmoud (1.0,33)
14. ___ Whitters, Collin (1.0,13) ___ Pierce, Alexander (1.0,41)
15. ___ Smith, Isaac (1.0,10) ___ Neumiller, Abigail (0.5,5)
16. ___ Harms, Jaymeson (0.5,49) ___ Park, Joshua Kim (0.5,1)
17. ___ Prospect. Mai (0.5,5) ___ Gu, Joshua (0.5,3)
18. ___ Castro, Sophie (0.0,26) ___ Day, Bailey (0.0,98)
19. ___ Skala, Alyson (0.0,53) ___ Keen, Thomas (0.0,20)
20. ___ Mascher, Aden (0.0,18) ___ Tivanskaya, Diana (0.0,40)
21. ___ Mascher, Cale (0.0,17) ___ Sing, Arieanna (0.0,14)
22. ___ Arvind, Aneesh (0.0,32) ___ Zhang, Alden (0.0,11)
Ali, Asif (0.0,29) Please Wait

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Upset on Board 1, Nathan Wei returns to the action.
Nathan Wei missed round one as he was on top of the chess ladder putting Justin Pieper in the catbird seat, however this morning he lost a tough one to Joseph Vigil, Thus for round 3 Eric Pieper will be on board 1 and then it will be his tournament to win or lose. The Vigil Brothers and Bharanidahar brothers are on track for some brotherly love showdowns. Remember no Chess Club 22 April.
2015 Borlaug End of year Borlaug - Round 3 Pairing Sheet, Page 1
Board White Black
1. ___ Malgaonkar, Aditya (2.0,64) ___ Pieper, Eric (2.0,67)
2. ___ Luo, Andy (2.0,66) ___ Vigil, Joey (2.0,63)
3. ___ Xu, Eddy (2.0,62) ___ Vigil, Barry (2.0,65)
4. ___ Lu, Aiden (1.5,21) ___ Olson, Brady (2.0,19)
5. ___ Wei, Nathan (1.0,69) ___ Ciliberto, Ben (1.0,51)
6. ___ Jung, Jimin (1.0,50) ___ Pieper, Justin (1.0,68)
7. ___ Zhang, Benjamin (1.0,61) ___ Feng, Miranda (1.0,45)
8. ___ Pierce, Thomas (1.0,60) ___ Sunkara, Mohana (1.0,38)
9. ___ Sami, Shanza (1.0,36) ___ Bharanidhar, Akhil (1.0,59)
10. ___ Curtu, Alexandra (1.0,58) ___ Ren, Hutchinson (1.0,34)
11. ___ Whitters, Collin (1.0,13) ___ Bharanidhar, Ajay (1.0,55)
12. ___ Brown, JJ (1.0,54) ___ Smith, Isaac (1.0,10)
13. ___ Vigil, Jacob (1.0,nnnn) ___ Olson, Bennett (1.0,52)
14. ___ Harms, Jaymeson (0.5,49) ___ Day, Bailey (0.0,98)
15. ___ Skala, Alyson (0.0,53) ___ Castro, Sophie (0.0,26)
16. ___ Bayman, Defne (0.0,46) ___ Mascher, Aden (0.0,18)
17. ___ Keen, Thomas (0.0,20) ___ Pierce, Alexander (0.0,41)
18. ___ Mascher, Cale (0.0,17) ___ Tivanskaya, Diana (0.0,40)
19. ___ Ren, Rebecca (0.0,15) ___ Arshava, Masha (0.0,39)
20. ___ Schwartz, Josie (0.0,37) ___ Sing, Arieanna (0.0,14)
21. ___ Aly, Mahmoud (0.0,33) ___ Zhang, Alden (0.0,11)
22. ___ Gu, Joshua (0.0,3) ___ Arvind, Aneesh (0.0,32)
23. ___ Ali, Asif (0.0,29) ___ Neumiller, Abigail (0.0,5)
Park, Joshua Kim (0.0,1) Please Wait
2015 Borlaug End of year Borlaug - Round 3 Pairing Sheet, Page 1
Board White Black
1. ___ Malgaonkar, Aditya (2.0,64) ___ Pieper, Eric (2.0,67)
2. ___ Luo, Andy (2.0,66) ___ Vigil, Joey (2.0,63)
3. ___ Xu, Eddy (2.0,62) ___ Vigil, Barry (2.0,65)
4. ___ Lu, Aiden (1.5,21) ___ Olson, Brady (2.0,19)
5. ___ Wei, Nathan (1.0,69) ___ Ciliberto, Ben (1.0,51)
6. ___ Jung, Jimin (1.0,50) ___ Pieper, Justin (1.0,68)
7. ___ Zhang, Benjamin (1.0,61) ___ Feng, Miranda (1.0,45)
8. ___ Pierce, Thomas (1.0,60) ___ Sunkara, Mohana (1.0,38)
9. ___ Sami, Shanza (1.0,36) ___ Bharanidhar, Akhil (1.0,59)
10. ___ Curtu, Alexandra (1.0,58) ___ Ren, Hutchinson (1.0,34)
11. ___ Whitters, Collin (1.0,13) ___ Bharanidhar, Ajay (1.0,55)
12. ___ Brown, JJ (1.0,54) ___ Smith, Isaac (1.0,10)
13. ___ Vigil, Jacob (1.0,nnnn) ___ Olson, Bennett (1.0,52)
14. ___ Harms, Jaymeson (0.5,49) ___ Day, Bailey (0.0,98)
15. ___ Skala, Alyson (0.0,53) ___ Castro, Sophie (0.0,26)
16. ___ Bayman, Defne (0.0,46) ___ Mascher, Aden (0.0,18)
17. ___ Keen, Thomas (0.0,20) ___ Pierce, Alexander (0.0,41)
18. ___ Mascher, Cale (0.0,17) ___ Tivanskaya, Diana (0.0,40)
19. ___ Ren, Rebecca (0.0,15) ___ Arshava, Masha (0.0,39)
20. ___ Schwartz, Josie (0.0,37) ___ Sing, Arieanna (0.0,14)
21. ___ Aly, Mahmoud (0.0,33) ___ Zhang, Alden (0.0,11)
22. ___ Gu, Joshua (0.0,3) ___ Arvind, Aneesh (0.0,32)
23. ___ Ali, Asif (0.0,29) ___ Neumiller, Abigail (0.0,5)
Park, Joshua Kim (0.0,1) Please Wait
Monday, April 13, 2015
End of Year Tournament is upon us. Also no club on April 22 and last meeting will be May 20th
Please come early to get seated for games start at 7:45.
Here are this weeks pairings.
2015 Borlaug End of year Borlaug - Round 2 Pairing Sheet, Page 1
Board White Black
1. ___ Vigil, Joey (1.0,63) ___ Pieper, Justin (1.0,68)
2. ___ Pieper, Eric (1.0,67) ___ Pierce, Thomas (1.0,60)
3. ___ Zhang, Benjamin (1.0,61) ___ Luo, Andy (1.0,66)
4. ___ Vigil, Barry (1.0,65) ___ Curtu, Alexandra (1.0,58)
5. ___ Olson, Bennett (1.0,52) ___ Malgaonkar, Aditya (1.0,64)
6. ___ Vigil, Jacob (1.0,nnnn) ___ Xu, Eddy (1.0,62)
7. ___ Lu, Aiden (0.5,21) ___ Ren, Hutchinson (1.0,34)
8. ___ Olson, Brady (1.0,19) ___ Harms, Jaymeson (0.5,49)
9. ___ Day, Bailey (0.0,98) ___ Arvind, Aneesh (0.0,32)
10. ___ Van Auken, Gregory (0.0,30) ___ Wei, Nathan (0.0,69)
11. ___ Bharanidhar, Akhil (0.0,59) ___ Ali, Asif (0.0,29)
12. ___ Castro, Sophie (0.0,26) ___ Bartelme, Joey (0.0,56)
13. ___ Bharanidhar, Ajay (0.0,55) ___ Smith, Isaac (0.0,10)
14. ___ Park, Joshua Kim (0.0,1) ___ Brown, JJ (0.0,54)
15. ___ Skala, Alyson (0.0,53) ___ New, Julieta (0.0,23)
16. ___ Ciliberto, Ben (0.0,51) ___ Keen, Thomas (0.0,20)
17. ___ Mascher, Aden (0.0,18) ___ Jung, Jimin (0.0,50)
18. ___ Feng, Miranda (0.0,45) ___ Mascher, Cale (0.0,17)
19. ___ Bayman, Defne (0.0,46) ___ Gambrall, Gordy (0.0,16)
20. ___ Ren, Rebecca (0.0,15) ___ Song, Grace (0.0,44)
21. ___ Sing, Arieanna (0.0,14) ___ Zeng, Anna (0.0,43)
22. ___ Skala, Alyssa (0.0,42) ___ Whitters, Collin (0.0,13)
23. ___ Pierce, Alexander (0.0,41) ___ Harms, Owen (0.0,12)
24. ___ Zhang, Alden (0.0,11) ___ Tivanskaya, Diana (0.0,40)
25. ___ Arshava, Masha (0.0,39) ___ Ciliberto, Gabriella (0.0,25)
26. ___ Sunkara, Mohana (0.0,38) ___ Zhu, Flora (0.0,9)
27. ___ Schwartz, Josie (0.0,37) ___ Neumiller, Abigail (0.0,5)
28. ___ Lassiter, Lesa (0.0,8) ___ Sami, Shanza (0.0,36)
29. ___ Yang, Reece (0.0,4) ___ Miao, Anna (0.0,24)
30. ___ Aly, Mahmoud (0.0,33) ___ Gu, Joshua (0.0,3)
Here are this weeks pairings.
2015 Borlaug End of year Borlaug - Round 2 Pairing Sheet, Page 1
Board White Black
1. ___ Vigil, Joey (1.0,63) ___ Pieper, Justin (1.0,68)
2. ___ Pieper, Eric (1.0,67) ___ Pierce, Thomas (1.0,60)
3. ___ Zhang, Benjamin (1.0,61) ___ Luo, Andy (1.0,66)
4. ___ Vigil, Barry (1.0,65) ___ Curtu, Alexandra (1.0,58)
5. ___ Olson, Bennett (1.0,52) ___ Malgaonkar, Aditya (1.0,64)
6. ___ Vigil, Jacob (1.0,nnnn) ___ Xu, Eddy (1.0,62)
7. ___ Lu, Aiden (0.5,21) ___ Ren, Hutchinson (1.0,34)
8. ___ Olson, Brady (1.0,19) ___ Harms, Jaymeson (0.5,49)
9. ___ Day, Bailey (0.0,98) ___ Arvind, Aneesh (0.0,32)
10. ___ Van Auken, Gregory (0.0,30) ___ Wei, Nathan (0.0,69)
11. ___ Bharanidhar, Akhil (0.0,59) ___ Ali, Asif (0.0,29)
12. ___ Castro, Sophie (0.0,26) ___ Bartelme, Joey (0.0,56)
13. ___ Bharanidhar, Ajay (0.0,55) ___ Smith, Isaac (0.0,10)
14. ___ Park, Joshua Kim (0.0,1) ___ Brown, JJ (0.0,54)
15. ___ Skala, Alyson (0.0,53) ___ New, Julieta (0.0,23)
16. ___ Ciliberto, Ben (0.0,51) ___ Keen, Thomas (0.0,20)
17. ___ Mascher, Aden (0.0,18) ___ Jung, Jimin (0.0,50)
18. ___ Feng, Miranda (0.0,45) ___ Mascher, Cale (0.0,17)
19. ___ Bayman, Defne (0.0,46) ___ Gambrall, Gordy (0.0,16)
20. ___ Ren, Rebecca (0.0,15) ___ Song, Grace (0.0,44)
21. ___ Sing, Arieanna (0.0,14) ___ Zeng, Anna (0.0,43)
22. ___ Skala, Alyssa (0.0,42) ___ Whitters, Collin (0.0,13)
23. ___ Pierce, Alexander (0.0,41) ___ Harms, Owen (0.0,12)
24. ___ Zhang, Alden (0.0,11) ___ Tivanskaya, Diana (0.0,40)
25. ___ Arshava, Masha (0.0,39) ___ Ciliberto, Gabriella (0.0,25)
26. ___ Sunkara, Mohana (0.0,38) ___ Zhu, Flora (0.0,9)
27. ___ Schwartz, Josie (0.0,37) ___ Neumiller, Abigail (0.0,5)
28. ___ Lassiter, Lesa (0.0,8) ___ Sami, Shanza (0.0,36)
29. ___ Yang, Reece (0.0,4) ___ Miao, Anna (0.0,24)
30. ___ Aly, Mahmoud (0.0,33) ___ Gu, Joshua (0.0,3)
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