Lots of chess over the Holidays,
Christ the King Church had a tournament on Dec 29th, 7 Borlaug Players played with the top three in the U1200 section being Barry Vigil, Vlad Tivanski, and Nathan Wei.
T Shirts!
Remember the order deadline is coming up fast. If you want to order please remember the order will close in 4 days (midnight the 14).
Here's the link:

when we host our tournament in February 21 lets look good and play even better!
1 +1 9 0 Barry Vigil
2 +10 5 0 Eric Pieper
3 +2 7 0 Benjamin Zhang
4 -3 1 0 Nathan Wei
5 +2 8 0 Andy Luo
6 +7 4 0 Justin Pieper
7 +3 8 0 Akhil Bharanidhar
8 +14 5 0 Eddy Xu
9 +11 8 0 Joey Vigil
10 +6 7 0 Thomas Pierce
11 +12 14 0 Aditya Malgaonkar
12 -1 5 0 Aaron Smith
13 +14 2 0 Alexandra Curtu
14 +29 6 0 Joey Bartelme
15 +15 7 0 Alyson Skala
16 +39 6 0 Bennett Olson
17 +9 8 0 Jimin Jung
18 +29 3 0 Jaehyun Jae Jung
19 +22 3 0 JJ Brown
20 +39 10 0 Huichan Mark Jung
21 +16 6 0 Miranda Feng
22 -1 6 0 Ajay Bharanidhar
23 +6 8 0 Defne Bayman
24 +7 4 0 Ben Ciliberto
25 +20 6 0 Grace Song
26 +10 1 0 Anna Zheng
27 +34 4 0 Alyssa Skala
28 +21 4 0 Jaymeson Harms
29 +20 7 0 Alexander Pierce
30 +8 5 0 Diana Tivanskaya
31 +17 7 0 Maria Arshava
32 +12 7 0 Mohana Sunkara
33 +9 1 0 Shanza Sami
34 +28 9 0 Josie Schwartz
35 +19 0 0 Yuning Shao
36 +19 0 0 Ren Hutchinson
37 +21 2 0 Mahmoud Aly
38 +4 2 0 Aneesh Arvind
39 +21 1 0 Brady Thoma
40 +2 2 0 Asif Ali
41 +3 0 0 Nya Bunyan
42 +3 0 0 Sarah Bunyan
43 +3 2 0 Sophie Castro
44 +3 1 0 Gabriella Ciliberto
45 +9 2 0 Anna Miao
46 +2 3 0 Julieta Fajardo-New
47 +3 0 0 Owen Houtman
48 +3 4 0 Aiden Liu
49 +10 5 0 Gregory Van Auken
50 0 7 0 Thomas Keen
51 +10 6 0 Brady Olson
52 0 2 0 Aden Mascher
53 0 1 0 Cale Mascher
54 +11 5 0 Gordy Gambrall
55 +1 1 0 Rebecca Ren
56 +1 1 0 Arieanna Singh
57 +3 4 0 Collin Whitters
58 +6 2 0 Owen Harms
59 -1 2 0 Isaac Smith
60 +1 0 0 Flora Zhu
61 0 1 0 Iesa Lassiter
62 0 0 0 Nicolas Arteaga
63 0 0 0 Ricardo Arteaga
64 0 0 0 Abigail Neumiller
65 0 0 0 Reece Yang
66 0 1 0 Alden Zhang
67 0 0 0 Joshua Gu
68 0 0 0 Bailey Day