Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I can Capture the King??????
We learned "proper" Bughouse Rules this morning some key points are you can capture the king, it is clock move not touch move, and time management is important.
On the ladder, Joey Bartelme defeated Justin Pieper in an upset. Lots of great play. I really like the group dynamic, kids are really getting in some chess. Nathan stayed on top, Thomas Pierce also was a big mover. Next week I am going to enforce the 10 position/25% rule of the chess club ladder, that is you have to be within 10 positions to challenge another player, those players who are not within 10 positions will have their result not count.
There is a tournament coming up at Coe College. Sunday October 5th. I passed out flyers this morning, it is USCF Rated. Last year we bought USCF memberships for all the players in the club, this year I am not doing that as we didn't use them as much as I had hoped, but if you go to tournaments, you can renew with me for $14 dollars, or do it online at the USCF site, however if you do it with me our club gets some credit and it is the same price.
1 0 0 0 Nathan Wei
2 +20 2 0 Eddy Xu
3 +4 2 0 Andy Luo
4 -2 3 0 Barry Vigil
5 0 2 0 Benjamin Zhang
6 +5 2 0 Aaron Smith
7 +3 2 0 Akhil Bharanidhar
8 +8 3 0 Thomas Pierce
9 +3 1 0 Eric Pieper
10 +33 3 0 Joey Bartelme
11 +2 1 0 Justin Pieper
12 +8 1 0 Joey Vigil
13 +8 0 0 Ajay Bharanidhar
14 +9 4 0 Aditya Malgaonkar
15 +10 0 0 Luke Fasse
16 +10 1 0 Jimin Jung
17 +10 0 0 Alexandra Curtu
18 +10 0 0 Jack Fasse
19 +10 1 0 Defne Bayman
20 +10 1 0 Alyson Skala
21 +10 0 0 Ben Ciliberto
22 +23 2 0 Grace Song
23 +13 1 0 Anna Zheng
24 +13 1 0 Miranda Feng
25 +13 0 0 Diana Tivanskaya
26 +15 0 0 JJ Brown
27 +15 0 0 Shanza Sami
28 +16 1 0 Mohana Sunkara
29 +33 3 0 Josie Schwartz
30 +17 1 0 Jaehyun Jae Jung
31 +17 1 0 Maria Arshava
32 +17 0 0 Alexander Pierce
33 +21 0 0 Yuning Shao
34 +21 0 0 Ren Hutchinson
35 +23 0 0 Mahmoud Aly
36 +23 4 0 Huichan Mark Jung
37 +23 0 0 Brady Thoma
38 +4 1 0 Asif Ali
39 +3 0 0 Aneesh Arvind
40 +4 0 0 Nya Bunyan
41 +4 0 0 Sarah Bunyan
42 +4 1 0 Sophie Castro
43 +4 0 0 Gabriella Ciliberto
44 +4 1 0 Julieta Fajardo-New
45 +16 1 0 Alyssa Skala
46 +3 1 0 Jaymeson Harms
47 +3 0 0 Owen Houtman
48 +2 0 0 Thomas Keen
49 +2 1 0 Aiden Liu
50 +2 0 0 Aden Mascher
51 +2 1 0 Cale Mascher
52 +2 0 0 Anna Miao
53 +2 0 0 Bennett Olson
54 +2 0 0 Rebecca Ren
55 +2 0 0 Arieanna Singh
56 +2 0 0 Isaac Smith
57 +2 1 0 Gregory Van Auken
58 +2 0 0 Collin Whitters
59 +2 0 0 Flora Zhu
60 +1 1 0 Iesa Lassiter
61 0 0 0 Brady Olson
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Great Second Week of Chess Club!
Great Day! Again Library was cleaned up and kids well behaved! On the chess side, we did some two rook checkmating, and went over the 50 move rule. Eddy Xu tied Nathan Wei! Moving to the Number 2 position on the Ladder. Great Job Eddy.
Next week we are going to learn the "Proper" way to play Bughouse.
Also students are asking for rated tournaments. I will try to have one on a Thursday afternoon soon.
And here is today's ladder.
1 0 0 0 Nathan Wei
2 +20 2 0 Eddy Xu
3 -1 2 0 Barry Vigil
4 +1 2 0 Benjamin Zhang
5 +6 2 0 Aaron Smith
6 +1 1 0 Andy Luo
7 +3 0 0 Akhil Bharanidhar
8 +4 1 0 Eric Pieper
9 +4 0 0 Justin Pieper
10 +6 0 0 Thomas Pierce
11 +6 0 0 Akshat Pawar
12 +8 1 0 Joey Vigil
13 +8 0 0 Ajay Bharanidhar
14 +9 3 0 Aditya Malgaonkar
15 +10 0 0 Luke Fasse
16 +10 1 0 Jimin Jung
17 +10 0 0 Alexandra Curtu
18 +10 0 0 Jack Fasse
19 +10 1 0 Defne Bayman
20 +10 1 0 Alyson Skala
21 +10 0 0 Ben Ciliberto
22 +14 0 0 Anna Zheng
23 +20 1 0 Joey Bartelme
24 +13 1 0 Miranda Feng
25 +13 0 0 Diana Tivanskaya
26 +15 0 0 JJ Brown
27 +15 0 0 Shanza Sami
28 +16 0 0 Mohana Sunkara
29 +33 2 0 Josie Schwartz
30 +15 1 0 Grace Song
31 +16 0 0 Jaehyun Jae Jung
32 +16 0 0 Maria Arshava
33 +16 0 0 Alexander Pierce
34 +20 0 0 Yuning Shao
35 +20 0 0 Ren Hutchinson
36 +22 0 0 Mahmoud Aly
37 +22 2 0 Huichan Mark Jung
38 +22 0 0 Brady Thoma
39 +3 1 0 Asif Ali
40 +2 0 0 Aneesh Arvind
41 +3 0 0 Nya Bunyan
42 +3 0 0 Sarah Bunyan
43 +3 1 0 Sophie Castro
44 +3 0 0 Gabriella Ciliberto
45 +3 1 0 Julieta Fajardo-New
46 +15 1 0 Alyssa Skala
47 +2 1 0 Jaymeson Harms
48 +2 0 0 Owen Houtman
49 +1 0 0 Thomas Keen
50 +1 1 0 Aiden Liu
51 +1 0 0 Aden Mascher
52 +1 0 0 Cale Mascher
53 +1 0 0 Anna Miao
54 +1 0 0 Bennett Olson
55 +1 0 0 Rebecca Ren
56 +1 0 0 Arieanna Singh
57 +1 0 0 Isaac Smith
58 +1 0 0 Gregory Van Auken
59 +1 0 0 Collin Whitters
60 +1 0 0 Flora Zhu
61 0 0 0 Iesa Lassiter
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Great First Day for 2014-15 School year
In my third year of running chess club, I really liked the later start, as I was much more prepared to sign people up and perhaps the years of experience in running the chess club helped as well. Lots of great chess going on. Lots of new faces, which I really enjoyed seeing as well as many old faces.
One thing, I am a little sad about is the scheduling, as many of our best players are in 6th grade and are now (Go Figure!) in pre-algebra and going to Northwest Jr High in the morning of Chess Club, Sigh... I hope that doesn't deter them from attending chess tournaments and supporting our school.
I updated the chess ladder with everyone who turned in a form this morning, and left last years roster intact. So Nathan Wei ended last year on top so he will start on top this year. Then where ever your ranking was minus students who are not coming back, then I added in alphabetical order new students to chess club. Hence the beginning rating.
We will be playing in the Eastern Iowa Chess League again this year against other schools in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. Schedule to be coming soon. Also there was a first! All the students put away the chess sets and I didn't find one piece on the floor! Our new Librarian was very impressed! Keep up the good work.
1 0 0 0 Nathan Wei
2 0 0 0 Barry Vigil
3 0 0 0 Liam Willett
4 +1 0 0 Benjamin Zhang
5 +2 0 0 Andy Luo
6 +4 0 0 Akhil Bharanidhar
7 +4 0 0 Aaron Smith
8 +4 0 0 Eric Pieper
9 +4 0 0 Justin Pieper
10 +6 0 0 Thomas Pierce
11 +6 0 0 Akshat Pawar
12 +6 0 0 Noah Willett
13 +7 0 0 Joey Vigil
14 +7 0 0 Ajay Bharanidhar
15 +7 0 0 Eddy Xu
16 +7 0 0 Aditya Malgaonkar
17 +8 0 0 Luke Fasse
18 +8 0 0 Jimin Jung
19 +8 0 0 Alexandra Curtu
20 +8 0 0 Jack Fasse
21 +8 0 0 Defne Bayman
22 +8 0 0 Alyson Skala
23 +8 0 0 Ben Ciliberto
24 +12 0 0 Anna Zheng
25 +12 0 0 Miranda Feng
26 +12 0 0 Diana Tivanskaya
27 +14 0 0 JJ Brown
28 +14 0 0 Shanza Sami
29 +15 0 0 Mohana Sunkara
30 +15 0 0 Grace Song
31 +16 0 0 Jaehyun Jung
32 +16 0 0 Maria Arshava
33 +16 0 0 Alexander Pierce
34 +20 0 0 Yuning Shao
35 +20 0 0 Ren Hutchinson
36 +22 0 0 Mahmoud Aly
37 +22 0 0 Huichan Jung
38 +22 0 0 Brady Thoma
39 +3 0 0 Asif Ali
40 +2 0 0 Aneesh Arvind
41 +2 0 0 Joey Bartelme
42 +2 0 0 Nya Bunyan
43 +2 0 0 Sarah Bunyan
44 +2 0 0 Sophie Castro
45 +2 0 0 Gabriella Ciliberto
46 +2 0 0 Julieta Fajardo-New
47 +2 0 0 Jaymeson Harms
48 +2 0 0 Owen Houtman
49 +1 0 0 Thomas Keen
50 +1 0 0 Aiden Liu
51 +1 0 0 Aden Mascher
52 +1 0 0 Cale Mascher
53 +1 0 0 Anna Miao
54 +1 0 0 Bennett Olson
55 +1 0 0 Rebecca Ren
56 +1 0 0 Arieanna Singh
57 +1 0 0 Isaac Smith
58 +1 0 0 Gregory Van Auken
59 +1 0 0 Collin Whitters
60 +1 0 0 Flora Zhu
One thing, I am a little sad about is the scheduling, as many of our best players are in 6th grade and are now (Go Figure!) in pre-algebra and going to Northwest Jr High in the morning of Chess Club, Sigh... I hope that doesn't deter them from attending chess tournaments and supporting our school.
I updated the chess ladder with everyone who turned in a form this morning, and left last years roster intact. So Nathan Wei ended last year on top so he will start on top this year. Then where ever your ranking was minus students who are not coming back, then I added in alphabetical order new students to chess club. Hence the beginning rating.
We will be playing in the Eastern Iowa Chess League again this year against other schools in Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. Schedule to be coming soon. Also there was a first! All the students put away the chess sets and I didn't find one piece on the floor! Our new Librarian was very impressed! Keep up the good work.
1 0 0 0 Nathan Wei
2 0 0 0 Barry Vigil
3 0 0 0 Liam Willett
4 +1 0 0 Benjamin Zhang
5 +2 0 0 Andy Luo
6 +4 0 0 Akhil Bharanidhar
7 +4 0 0 Aaron Smith
8 +4 0 0 Eric Pieper
9 +4 0 0 Justin Pieper
10 +6 0 0 Thomas Pierce
11 +6 0 0 Akshat Pawar
12 +6 0 0 Noah Willett
13 +7 0 0 Joey Vigil
14 +7 0 0 Ajay Bharanidhar
15 +7 0 0 Eddy Xu
16 +7 0 0 Aditya Malgaonkar
17 +8 0 0 Luke Fasse
18 +8 0 0 Jimin Jung
19 +8 0 0 Alexandra Curtu
20 +8 0 0 Jack Fasse
21 +8 0 0 Defne Bayman
22 +8 0 0 Alyson Skala
23 +8 0 0 Ben Ciliberto
24 +12 0 0 Anna Zheng
25 +12 0 0 Miranda Feng
26 +12 0 0 Diana Tivanskaya
27 +14 0 0 JJ Brown
28 +14 0 0 Shanza Sami
29 +15 0 0 Mohana Sunkara
30 +15 0 0 Grace Song
31 +16 0 0 Jaehyun Jung
32 +16 0 0 Maria Arshava
33 +16 0 0 Alexander Pierce
34 +20 0 0 Yuning Shao
35 +20 0 0 Ren Hutchinson
36 +22 0 0 Mahmoud Aly
37 +22 0 0 Huichan Jung
38 +22 0 0 Brady Thoma
39 +3 0 0 Asif Ali
40 +2 0 0 Aneesh Arvind
41 +2 0 0 Joey Bartelme
42 +2 0 0 Nya Bunyan
43 +2 0 0 Sarah Bunyan
44 +2 0 0 Sophie Castro
45 +2 0 0 Gabriella Ciliberto
46 +2 0 0 Julieta Fajardo-New
47 +2 0 0 Jaymeson Harms
48 +2 0 0 Owen Houtman
49 +1 0 0 Thomas Keen
50 +1 0 0 Aiden Liu
51 +1 0 0 Aden Mascher
52 +1 0 0 Cale Mascher
53 +1 0 0 Anna Miao
54 +1 0 0 Bennett Olson
55 +1 0 0 Rebecca Ren
56 +1 0 0 Arieanna Singh
57 +1 0 0 Isaac Smith
58 +1 0 0 Gregory Van Auken
59 +1 0 0 Collin Whitters
60 +1 0 0 Flora Zhu
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